Wednesday 5 February 2014

Cool Cat Teacher Blog

“Don’t measure your worth by how
often you’re thanked.”
    Cool Cat Teacher Blog is an educational blog written and updated by Vicki Davis; a full-time teacher. Vicki regularly updates her blog with useful information on teaching, technology and leadership to encourage fellow teachers to “work intentionally and teach passionately”.
    This educational blog is simple to navigate due to the succinct layout. At the very top of the blog there are tabs which direct you to a new page on different topics of information. There is also a ‘labels’ list to the side of Vicki’s blog posts which direct you to the particular information you may be wanting to research.
    Vicki successfully manages to capture the audience’s attention well with her use of rhetorical questions, videos and pictures; it helps the readers to digest information easier and to understand the topic by questioning what they already know. Vicki typically blogs on average four posts a week with up to date information regarding aspects in and around teaching.
    This blog is worthy enough to be on my own personal blog because Cool Cat Teacher succours teachers teach with a positive impact and greater purpose with improved results, just like I hope to do one day in the future.

Vicki Davis’ old blog on…
And her new and improved blog on WordPress.

Monday 27 January 2014

7 Photo Story

    Introducing my seven photo story on stereotypical University Life.

    I created this short photo story by taking photographs of what I class as stereotypical university life. Then, I used an app on my iPad called iMovie to create the video. It’s a simple, easy to navigate app where you upload your chosen photos in the sequence you want. I also added background music to my video, for this I had to download my chosen song and upload it through the app. Who doesn’t love a bit of Journey, eh? J

    The photos I chose to reflect University Life are:
1.  Early Mornings (Alarm clocks)
2.  Learning (Lecture theatre)
3.  Hard Work (Books and notes)
4.  Independence and acquiring new skills (Cooking)
5.  Making life-long friends (Flatmates)
6.  Drinking (Bottles of alcohol)
7.  Late Nights (Clock)

Ted Talks: Pearl Arredondo


Pearl Arredondo: My story, from gangland daughter to star teacher.

   After watching this video, I wanted to take it back to my old school to show pupils to encourage them to achieve high and succeed!
    In this clip, Pearl Arredondo, a teacher from Los Angeles, explains how she grew up as a gangland daughter, of whom people wrote off as having authority troubles, to now being a teacher who inspires and encourages children to make the most of their lives.
    Her story of how she grew up, fighting to prove her worth and ability, is truly inspirational. Her story proves that everyone can dream big and achieve, proving to people on the way their worth. Pearl Arredondo now works as teacher in a school she opened to welcome children from difficult backgrounds, to encourage and capture their spirit, drive and determination. Her teachers “fight” to empower children to move beyond their circumstances, to become the ‘norm’.
    This particular video has given me a new view on ‘education’. It has inspired me to become a role model to children; just like Pearl. All children need the same opportunities in learning and not to be labelled just because of their backgrounds. Coming from a small town, where children regularly have incidences with authority, becoming a teacher who provides a ‘safe haven’ for children to escape and flourish is my goal.
Here you will find the best talks from the TED conferences. Maybe you will find one which will inspire you?

Technology in the Classroom

    Technology is important to society these days but I feel, in schools, it has become too centralised and has been taken too far!
    Since technology has become so advanced and is forever developing, children need to have experiences using them to gain knowledge and skills, it has its benefits. But do they really need them in order to discuss a topic in a classroom? When I was in school I was lucky to have one computer to share between three of us. Gone are the days where in lessons you were physically involved in discussions and participating.
    With schools having access to numerous technology devices, e.g. iPads, laptops and computers, there are some advantages children have when they are able to access them. These are:
·        They develop their interactive skills.
·        Different ways for children to learn.
·        Helps when explaining a difficult topic.
·        They have unlimited access to the internet; where they are able to play educational games, and gain access to apps.
·        Useful when revising for exams, practice questions and mock exams are available.
·        It’s a fun and engaging way for children to learn.

    Some disadvantages also come with the recurrent use of technology. These are:

·        Expensive for the school to buy and repair/ replace when broken.
·        Children and teachers alike can become too reliant on the internet and the use of programmes.
·        From constant use of programmes like Microsoft Work, children’s spelling can take a downfall. Computers auto-correct words for them.
·        The persistent use of technology can also affect children’s health.

·        Lastly, children do not get the opportunities to be social and active when using technology.

    Even though, like I have said, technology offers new, fun and engaging experiences for children’s learning, creative activities that involve children can too be just as fun and engaging.


Sunday 26 January 2014

Creativity in the Classroom

(Support them!)
    Being someone who has flourished through art for most of my educational years, I favour creativity in the classroom.
    Arts, including music, dance and performance is a way for children (like myself) to express their feelings and ideas, and of course is adds fun to learning! I feel children need more opportunities I the classroom and outdoors to discover and explore art.
    Creativity allows children to develop their imagination and helps children to engage in their learning experiences. Creative learining techniques helps children to understand information, and recall it more efficiently next time it is needed. Creativity can also help when reflecting on work.
    Teachers need to keep this in mind for their approaches to teaching.

Has Technology been taken too far?

These days where ever you are you see people of all ages on mobile phones, iPads, or something electronic.

    Children from very y9oung ages are being introduced to play-stations, iPads, computer games, etc. as a means of play. Where did the days of playing with Barbie dolls, cars and board games go? Even my six year old cousin knows her way around an iPad better than I do!
    Children and teenagers alike are losing the ability to socialise, too much time is being spent using interactive devices. They are becoming lazier in their ways and their health is being abused because unlike before, children don’t seem to go outdoors to explore and play as much.
    Technology and electronics need to be used today in order to keep up with society and culture, but I think its needs to be used more wisely and with care!
What will communities, years from now, be like if technology continues to influence society like it is now?

Saturday 25 January 2014

Working as a Learning Support Assistant

    Before coming to University, I worked at my local primary school; Bryn Bach Infants and Primary, as a classroom assistant. It was working here and having the support from the teachers which led me to apply to University and pursue my dream of a career in education.
    In September 2012, I began a childcare course in college where I needed to volunteer at a placement for two days a week. After being there for a few months, I was offered a job as a learning support assistant; and I absolutely loved it!!!
    During class, I would take a small group of children at a time and lead activities; usually something to do with are, music or physical education. During the activities I would support and encourage children’s creativity when needed in order for them to reach capable potential. During dinner time, I would lead a small group for guided reading; encouraging individuals to read and group discussions about the book.
    I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Bryn Bach and was sad to leave at the end of the school year. But, I look forward to finally becoming a teacher in a class just like this in the near future.