Monday 27 January 2014

Ted Talks: Pearl Arredondo


Pearl Arredondo: My story, from gangland daughter to star teacher.

   After watching this video, I wanted to take it back to my old school to show pupils to encourage them to achieve high and succeed!
    In this clip, Pearl Arredondo, a teacher from Los Angeles, explains how she grew up as a gangland daughter, of whom people wrote off as having authority troubles, to now being a teacher who inspires and encourages children to make the most of their lives.
    Her story of how she grew up, fighting to prove her worth and ability, is truly inspirational. Her story proves that everyone can dream big and achieve, proving to people on the way their worth. Pearl Arredondo now works as teacher in a school she opened to welcome children from difficult backgrounds, to encourage and capture their spirit, drive and determination. Her teachers “fight” to empower children to move beyond their circumstances, to become the ‘norm’.
    This particular video has given me a new view on ‘education’. It has inspired me to become a role model to children; just like Pearl. All children need the same opportunities in learning and not to be labelled just because of their backgrounds. Coming from a small town, where children regularly have incidences with authority, becoming a teacher who provides a ‘safe haven’ for children to escape and flourish is my goal.
Here you will find the best talks from the TED conferences. Maybe you will find one which will inspire you?

1 comment:

  1. This is a great post, I like tha way that you talk to your readers
